Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Luke Mecham
Mr. Persinger
Period 7
February 9 2017
                                                             The Trip
“Zeke, I can’t believe it worked!” George screamed into the phone. He was racing down the bridge in his brand new Mercedes.Zeke said, “I told you it’d work. Are you almost there?”
“Yeah, you got Amanda, right?”
“Of course I have her,” Zeke said this as he was flipping a U-E, “how could I forget Amanda she lives like right next me. She just has her headphones in right now.
   Zeke was only a minute away from Amanda’s house when he ended the call with
George. Zeke was in his old 1998 red jeep 40. It was a good car but ate up fuel like a dog eating steak. As Zeke was turning down into Amanda’s neighborhood he saw her parents putting their luggage into the back of a taxi.
      Their flight must’ve been laid over to today. Zeke thought. Quickly thinking he did what any teenage driver would do. In the middle of his left turn he threw the wheel hard right. He didn’t want to get Amanda in trouble by him picking her up and MR. and MRS. Fletcher seeing.
   After seeing their taxi leave and waiting a few extra minutes after that he turned into the
neighborhood. Before the car even stopped
Amanda opened the front door. Zeke leaned over and pushed the passenger door open.       “Get in loser,” He teased.
Which Amanda responded with “Shut up”
Amanda closed the vintage door and said “Nice going hotshot you almost flipped your jeep so my parents wouldn’t see you coming.”
“I really don’t like talking to people’s parents, even if it means almost crashing,” Zeke said chuckling.
 “Where did George say we were going to meet up at.”
“In the parking lot of the 711”
After an hour in the car they were in the city. Zeke and Amanda were coming in from the south and George was coming in from the north. Zeke and George became best friends on the first day of freshman year. Last year George’s dad had moved the family to Brooklyn for work. Zeke and George always talked about ditching school together and today they would make it a reality. Amanda couldn’t stop looking out the passenger window.
“Pretty crazy, huh?” Zeke said breaking the
“Yeah, it’s nothing like Oklahoma.” Amanda
responded back. She swallowed and looked to Zeke and said, “So how did George get out of school?”
Zeke grinned and then laughed. “I called the school as his Uncle John and insisted I needed him home to help me unclog my toilet.”
“And that worked?” Amanda said not buying it.
“Yeah after about the tenth time or so,” Zeke said proudly.  
       Zeke pulled into the gas station and saw
George in his Mercedes. George opened his door and slung his backpack over his shoulder. He opened the back door and hopped in. Zeke pulled his hand off the stick to do his handshake with George. Zeke slapped his palm and then continued to put his hand into a ball and George just let his hand go limp.
        “Sorry Zeke, I guess I just forgot how.”
George said “It’s all good. I’m a little rusty too, plus we haven’t seen each other in six months,” Zeke said.
      Amanda turned facing the backseat and said, “Dude, you definitely have gotten taller.”
George could barely sit down in the back without his head touching the ceiling.
“Yeah, in six months I’ve grown three inches and put on fifteen pounds.”          
 George was already tall to begin with but now he was almost 6’7 and 250 pounds. He had his black hair combed over and a new pair of glasses. Zeke looked at Amanda to almost say everything about him is different.
         “So, where to first?” Zeke asked.
        “I was thinking we could go down Adams street and then go to that new capellas.” George said. Zeke pulled out of the gas station and got back onto the road. The red jeep headed down into a sea of yellow taxi.
          “How do you like it on this side of town?” Zeke asked George.
     “I like it a lot actually , I just hate how crowded it is.” George answered. The red jeep cruised down the street and then stopped at a red light. Zeke looked out his window and looked up to see the goliath buildings around him. As the light turned green he pulled his foot off the brake and eased his foot onto the gas. The car didn't budge. He took his foot off the gas and then back on.
         “Did it stall?” Zeke heard Amanda say
      “No I don't thinks so,” Zeke replied. He could now hear the horns of cars behind him honking.
      Zeke vigorously slammed his foot on the gas and the car didn't move but this time he could hear the engine rev. He was about to get out of his car when all of the sudden his car sprinted forward.
      The speedometer read 30….40. The speed kept on steadily creeping forward. Zeke was now slamming his foot on the break. 60…..70.
             “What's happening!” Amanda yelled.
          “I don't know I'm trying to stop!” Zeke screamed back, gripping the wheel and putting almost all of his weight on the brake. He pulled the emergency break up but it didn't do anything. The jeep was now only a few seconds from hitting a taxi in front of them when Poooof! A flash of white surrounded
the car. Zeke opened his eyes and saw nothing but desert. What in the world! Zeke thought to himself.    
    “Uh, where are we?” Amanda said. George unbuckled his seatbelt and got out the car. He had already taken a few steps outside when he looked back and Zeke and Amanda and said, “You guys coming or what?” Zeke was in shock but managed to get out of the car and Amanda followed.
         “Come on follow me,” George said. Zeke looked at Amanda as if to say is this really happening. They were almost 50 feet away from the car when George stopped. In front of him was a 4 foot tall pole with a keypad on it. George hammered in some keys and looked back at Zeke and Amanda.
         “Hold up what is happening, where are we, how…” Amanda spewed out
           “Yeah it happened all so quick. I was driving and then…” Zeke said.
           “Don't worry you guys will find out in a minute.” George said back to him now standing across from him and Amanda. As George was saying this a elevator rose up from the desert sand. Two men dressed in all black came out the doors and shook George's hand.
       “Get in.” The first man in black commanded. The elevator was a sandy orange from all the desert dirt. It was huge and was about twenty feet across and twenty feet in length. Amanda stepped in first and was met by about ten other black figures, she was then followed by Zeke.
          “Where are we going, George?” Zeke pleaded with him. George said nothing and walked in. And finally the two men in black came in. As the elevator started to head down into the unknown Zeke and Amanda’s vision had become blurry. In a few seconds they both laid on the floor
      The first thing Zeke saw when he opened his eyes was the bottom of a bunk bed. He looked around the room and realized he was in a jail cell.
      What is going on. A few minutes ago I picked up George… if that's even him out there. Zeke thought to himself. He got up and looked at the top bunk. He saw Amanda passed out on top. He shook her but she kept on snoring. The cell door was all metal except for a little strip of glass in the middle. As he stepped to the door to look out the window the door had swung open. George peeped his head in and said, “come over here.”          
    “No, not until you explain what's happening.”
          “What do you think I'm trying to do? Come on, leave Amanda here we'll come by later when she wakes up.”  George whispered.
    Zeke crept out the door and gazed down the hall. As far as he could see it was just white marble and black steel doors. George was ahead of him and and put his finger over his mouth to signal him to be quite. They walked left for three minutes and then George stopped at a black door. It was no different from the others they had walked by. George  dug his hand into his pocket and grabbed a petite silver key. He unlocked the door and nodded at him to walk in.
         Inside was a old record player in the corner and two wooden chairs. The walls were a hideous yellow that made Zeke want to gag. George walked in after him and then shut the door.
          “You got a lot of explaining to do,” Zeke said with his teeth grinding
          “I know, I know but we don't have time for me to explain everything. Look man, when I moved it wasn't because of my dad's new job… well not the job that he said it was. This is the laboratory he works at in Phoenix.” George spewed out
          “What do you mean Phoenix? Five minutes ago we were in downtown New York!” Zeke said frustrated and concerned.
              “Long story short, my dad’s a scientist and made a teleporter here. The bad thing about that though is that the people here are not the right people to have this technology...”
            Zeke butted in again, “So how did we travel halfway across the continent?”
        “The teleporter was in my bag and I brought you guys here. I brought you here because I need you and Amanda's help to get my dad out of here. I know it doesn't make sense but I really need you to believe me.” George said. Zeke nodded and told him he was down for it hesitantly.
   BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! The metal door barked. George cursed and looked back at Zeke and said “When I open this door bash the guard's head with that record player.”
       Zeke grabbed the record player and stood to the left of the door. George flung it open and Zeke swung. In a moment a white man wearing a lab coat was on the floor.
       “Really dude?” Zeke heard Amanda say. Zeke and George looked at her through the doorway and then back at the man on the floor.
      “And that's my dad on the floor I'm amusing then.” George said to Amanda and she nodded yes.
            “Great. Do you have the backpack?” George asked her. She nodded again.
            “Well let's get going!” Zeke said in a loud whisper. Amanda slung the teleporter backpack over her back. Zeke flipped George's dad onto his back and scooped him up over his shoulders. George led the way down the halls. They all ran down the floor until the bag started to make a loud beeping noise.
           “That means we can teleport in five more minutes! It has a twelve hour recharge!” George yelled back. Amanda and Zeke’s eyes met as he said twelve hours. They had stopped running at this point but that was a terrible mistake. The men dressed in black now knew there location. Before the group could start moving again they were    surrounded.
       George looked around and knew they were cornered. He knew there only way out was the teleporter and it still had four minutes left. He tried to talk his way out but that only bought a few minutes. His dad was now just waking up on Zeke’s shoulders and had stood up. The men in black slowly started to walk closer and closer.
    The bag started to beep crazily and POOOOF! They were gone in a cloud of smoke. Zeke opened his eyes and he was back in his red jeep. Sitting next to him was Amanda and in the back was George and his dad. The light turned green and the moved.